Improving Your Driving Technique for Track Days

Taking your track day performance to the next level requires more than just basic skills;

it demands a deep dive into advanced driving techniques and a commitment to continuous improvement.

In this guide, ‘Improving Your Driving Technique for Track Days,’ TTR Motorsport offers expert insights into refining your driving to achieve faster lap times and more consistent performance.

Whether you’re looking to master complex corners or perfect your braking and acceleration, this guide is tailored to help intermediate and experienced drivers sharpen their skills and unlock the full potential of their vehicles on the track.”


Key Questions:

  1. How can I improve my braking technique for better control and speed?
  2. What are the best practices for mastering cornering on various track layouts?
  3. How does throttle control impact my track performance, and how can I optimise it?
  4. What advanced driving manoeuvres should I learn to enhance my lap times?
  5. How can I use data logging and telemetry to refine my driving technique?
  6. What mental preparation techniques can help improve my focus and performance on the track?
  7. How should I analyse and learn from my driving sessions to make consistent improvements?
  8. Are there specific exercises or training methods that can help improve my physical fitness for driving?
  9. How can simulation and virtual training tools benefit my track driving skills?
  10. What common mistakes do intermediate drivers make, and how can I avoid them?




  1. Improving Braking Technique:

Focus on progressive braking, where you gradually increase the pressure until just before the corner and then smoothly release. This technique helps maintain control and reduces the risk of locking the wheels.

Experiment with braking points to find the optimal spot for each corner of the track.


  1. Mastering Cornering:

Understand the concepts of the racing line, apex, and exit points.

Practice hitting the late apex to maximise your exit speed, as this is crucial for maintaining higher speeds on straights following the corners.

Adjust your approach based on the track layout and conditions.


  1. Optimising Throttle Control:

Throttle control is vital for maintaining traction and stability.

Practice rolling onto the throttle as you exit corners, ensuring that you do not upset the car’s balance with abrupt changes.


  1. Advanced Driving Manoeuvres:

Learn techniques like trail braking, where you continue to brake into the corner, and heel-toe shifting to maintain engine revs and stability during downshifts.

These skills can significantly enhance your control and speed through corners.


  1. Using Data Logging and Telemetry:

Invest in a good quality data logger to analyse your speed, braking points, and gear selection.

Telemetry can provide insights into your driving habits and highlight areas for improvement, such as braking late or early throttle application.


  1. Mental Preparation Techniques:

Visualisation techniques and mental rehearsals can significantly improve your performance.

Spend time visualising successful laps and specific manoeuvres, focusing on the sensory details of each segment of the track.


  1. Analysing Driving Sessions:

Regularly review your onboard video and telemetry data.

Compare your best laps with slower ones to understand what you did differently.

This analysis can help you replicate your best performances more consistently.


  1. Physical Fitness for Driving:

Cardiovascular fitness, strength training, especially core and neck muscles, and flexibility exercises can all enhance your driving performance. Being physically fit reduces fatigue, allowing you to maintain concentration and precision in longer sessions.


  1. Simulation and Virtual Training Tools:

Use racing simulators to practice tracks before you visit them in real life.

Simulators offer a risk-free environment to try different techniques and learn new tracks, which can be invaluable for preparation.


  1. Common Mistakes and Avoidance:

Intermediate drivers often overdrive the car, trying to achieve speeds beyond their skills or the car’s capabilities. Focus on smooth driving and only push harder as your comfort with the vehicle’s limits increases.


As you continue to refine your driving skills with these advanced techniques, remember that consistent practice and a willingness to learn from each session are key to your success on the track.

At TTR Motorsport, we are dedicated to supporting your journey to becoming a faster, more skilled driver. Visit us for personalised advice on coaching, and advanced driving courses designed to elevate your track day experience. Let’s accelerate your track day success together, with expert guidance from TTR Motorsport.

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